2000 Volvo V70 Engine / Motor = 156k Miles 8251050

2000 Volvo V70 engine / motor = 156k miles is a used item with a 1 year warranty. This OEM replacement engine / motor = 156k miles is genuine and has part numbers 8251050. This Volvo part sells for $399.

Please note, this is an engine longblock, and will not include accessories such as pumps, manifolds, wiring, transmission, etc... Please use your own accessories during installation.

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$399 Volvo ENGINE / MOTOR...
$399 Volvo ENGINE / MOTOR = ?? MILES

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Item #441451-1 Inquiry

Item # 441451-1
Part Numbers 8251050
Availability Recently Sold (Check our stock for similar items)
Warranty Includes a 1 year warranty. View details.
Condition Used
Quantity 0
Donor Engine N/A
Notes N/A
Part Compatibility View part compatibility

We’ve determined the following interchange for this part:

  • Engine - Volvo (8251050)
  • 2.3L, 2.4L, 2.5Driver side
  • VOLVO 70 SERIES 00 2.4L, VIN 61 (6th and 7th digit, B5244S engine
Photos 0 (View all photos)
Doors 5 Door Wagon
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